About me

Hi I’m Jill and this is my take on the world.


I grew up in Perth, Australia (arguably the most isolated city) and moved to London to start exploring the world. There one thing I know to be true – you can take the girl out of Aussie, but you can’t take the Aussie out of the girl.

Now I’m starting again in LA! Some might think it’s scary but can life be scary in the sunshine? I can not wait to start exploring a whole new city properly. It’s not that London is ‘done’ (can you ever call London done?) but I am ready to swim in the ocean again and remember what outdoor living is like!

I love going out for great food, which you will hear about here and trying places I’ve never been to. I consider my super power to be ordering well off a menu 😉

Any chance I get I take myself off for an adventure. Whether that’s here in my own city or further afield, I don’t mind. I find there’s things to distract me wherever I go.

If you want to comment with recommendations for me I’m always happy to hear them and where I can I’ll give it a try and let you know what I think.

You can find more of me on Instagram @jill_topia